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Reply To: APP/17/00578 – 17 North Parade – 3 storey rear extension

HOME Forums Management Group Forum APP/17/00578 – 17 North Parade – 3 storey rear extension Reply To: APP/17/00578 – 17 North Parade – 3 storey rear extension

May 26, 2017 at 7:16 am #3336

According to Ann Davies this property will overshadow a lot of its neighbours
it is not a Granny Annex but more rooms to run as a B&B via AirBnB
According to Sarah she saw it on AirBnB last week, though when I looked yesterday it had disappeared off the radar of AirBnB. I suspect the owner knows that if it was clearly seen as a commercial operation expansion this would go against the scheme in the planning process

Not sure how we raise this with the planners if there is no longer any proof it has been operating as a Guest House without permissions in place

Strictly speaking the owner should be asking for change of use..