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Reply To: Applic APP/16/00667 – 4 St Margarets Road

HOME Forums Management Group Forum Applic APP/16/00667 – 4 St Margarets Road Reply To: Applic APP/16/00667 – 4 St Margarets Road

May 7, 2017 at 12:54 pm #3291

Contrary to what we have discussed previously I think perhaps that Hoylake Community Planning Forum are not necessarily logged as a statutory consultee [which is a good thing]

If you look at the relevant bit of the government website you’ll see this
[CLiK-2-LiNK] – guidance/consultation
[see text grab below]

Statutory consultees – where there is a requirement set out in law to consult a specific body, who are then under a duty to respond providing advice on the proposal in question.

[CLiK-2-LiNK] List of Statutory Consultees

Non statutory consultees where there are planning policy reasons to engage other consultees who – whilst not designated in law – are likely to have an interest in a proposed development.

[CLiK-2-LiNK] List of non statutory consultees

I’m happy for us to be the later as this makes more sense

We should not be in the situation where we have a legal duty to respond as that would be too onerous

Though I suspect we are currently seen as the same status as a Public Consultee

Public consultation – including consultation with neighbouring residents and community groups.